Dr. Russell Moore is not a pre-tribber, but loves those who are. Go listen to his lesson on the topic at the link. It is an excellent approach to a secondary topic in the church. Great lesson in how to deal with less than foundational theological differences. I love the part where he would be very glad to be wrong on this point.
Here is my post on the “four things” that we do know for certain about the Second Coming of Christ.
I decided several years ago that there are four things we know for sure about eschatology (the study of the end times). The rest is debatable.
From scripture we know without any doubt that:
1. Jesus is coming back
2. He could come back at any moment
3. When He comes, the Judgment happens
4. Right now is the only time that we for sure have to get ready to face that judgment.I certainly have my opinions on pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib rapture. I have my opinions on dispensations, premillenialism, postmillenialism and amillenialism. I have opinions on preterism and partial preterism. but I have found that these are all secondary things that we can debate with a more or less loose hand. The four things above are nonnegotiable. Those four things will change your life.
Don’t get caught up in prophecy in the news. So many people waste so much time and money on something that ultimately has no value.
Do work as though the night is soon coming when no one can work any longer. Do be faithful, so that if the return of the King is today, you will not be ashamed.