Randy Alcorn has posted a letter that he wrote to C.J. Mahaney and John Piper after their messages at the Resolved 2008 conference. Frank Weldon pointed me to it yesterday. Here is an excerpt:
The unrighteous damned have no right to ask God why He has forsaken them (the reasons are self-evident to all who understand His holiness and our sin), but God’s Son the Beloved One had the right to ask, even knowing the answer and having participated in eternity past in the damning decision. He is the Lamb damned before the foundation of the world. So while the (lower case) damned will scream forever, ultimately there is only one Scream of the (upper case) Damned. Unthinkable. Inconceivable. And yet it happened…for us.
I am looking forward to hearing the messages Randy was talking about.